Kamis, 23 Agustus 2018

Book Introduction to Middleware PDF

Introduction to Middleware PDF
By:Letha Hughes Etzkorn
Published on 2017-06-12 by CRC Press

|A stereotype of computer science textbooks is that they are dry, boring, and sometimes even intimidating. As a result, they turn students’ interests off from the subject matter instead of enticing them into it. This textbook is the opposite of such a stereotype. The author presents the subject matter in a refreshing story-telling style and aims to bring the Internet-generation of students closer to her stories.|? --Yingcai Xiao, The University of Akron Introduction to Middleware: Web Services, Object Components, and Cloud Computing provides a comparison of different middleware technologies and the overarching middleware concepts they are based on. The various major paradigms of middleware are introduced and their pros and cons are discussed. This includes modern cloud interfaces, including the utility of Service Oriented Architectures. The text discusses pros and cons of RESTful vs. non-RESTful web services, and also compares these to older but still heavily used distributed object/component middleware. The text guides readers to select an appropriate middleware technology to use for any given task, and to learn new middleware technologies as they appear over time without being greatly overwhelmed by any new concept. The book begins with an introduction to different distributed computing paradigms, and a review of the different kinds of architectures, architectural styles/patterns, and properties that various researchers have used in the past to examine distributed applications and determine the quality of distributed applications. Then it includes appropriate background material in networking and the web, security, and encoding necessary to understand detailed discussion in this area. The major middleware paradigms are compared, and a comparison methodology is developed. Readers will learn how to select a paradigm and technology for a particular task, after reading this text. Detailed middleware technology review sections allow students or industry practitioners working to expand their knowledge to achieve practical skills based on real projects so as to become well-functional in that technology in industry. Major technologies examined include: RESTful web services (RESTful cloud interfaces such as OpenStack, AWS EC2 interface, CloudStack; AJAX, JAX-RS, ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core), non-RESTful (SOAP and WSDL-based) web services (JAX-WS, Windows Communication Foundation), distributed objects/ components (Enterprise Java Beans, .NET Remoting, CORBA). The book presents two projects that can be used to illustrate the practical use of middleware, and provides implementations of these projects over different technologies. This versatile and class-tested textbook is suitable (depending on chapters selected) for undergraduate or first-year graduate courses on client server architectures, middleware, and cloud computing, web services, and web programming.

This Book was ranked at 29 by Google Books for keyword Computers Technology Networks Protocols APIs novel.

Book ID of Introduction to Middleware's Books is AZgnDwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byLetha Hughes Etzkornhave ETAG "Ic64IDsSab8"

Book which was published by CRC Press since 2017-06-12 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781498754101 and ISBN 10 Code is 1498754104

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "688 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryComputers

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is true

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