IPv6 Advanced Protocols Implementation PDF
By:Qing Li,Jinmei Tatuya,Keiichi Shima
Published on 2010-07-26 by Elsevier
IPv6 Advanced Protocols Implementation is the second installment of a two-volume series on IPv6 and the KAME implementation. This book discusses those protocols that are found in more capable IPv6 devices, are commonly deployed in more complex IPv6 network environments, or are not specific to IPv6 but are extended to support IPv6. Specifically, this book engages the readers in advanced topics such as routing, multicasting, DNS, DHCPv6, mobility, and security. This two-volume series covers a wide spectrum of the IPv6 technology, help the readers establish solid and empirical understanding on IPv6 and the KAME reference implementation paralleled by none. Key Features: Extensive code listings with meticulous line-by-line explanation of rationale and use for KAME snapshot implementations on advanced IPv6 related protocols, including: Unicast and multicast routing and DNS client based on KAME snapshot dated April 2003, which are a base of more recent versions of BSD variants Mobile IPv6 based on KAME snapshot dated July 2004, a predecessor version of the |SHISA| implementation DHCPv6 based on KAME snapshot dated May 2005, a base of the WIDE-DHCPv6 implementation available at SourceForge today Numerous diagrams and illustrations help in visualizing the implementation In-depth discussion of the standards provides intrinsic understanding of the specifications An introduction to the IP security protocols along with the use of the racoon key exchange daemon Two CD-ROMs filled with the complete KAME IPv6 protocol stack and FreeBSD software The only authoritative reference |cookbook| for anyone interested in advanced IPv6 topics and protocols Line-by-line walk through of real code helps the reader master IPv6 implementation Comprehensive in scope, based on a working standard, and thoroughly illustrated to bring the protocols alive
This Book was ranked at 31 by Google Books for keyword Computers Technology Networks Protocols APIs novel.
Book ID of IPv6 Advanced Protocols Implementation's Books is 6nNjcItz6H4C, Book which was written byQing Li,Jinmei Tatuya,Keiichi Shimahave ETAG "ebrMwhI8Wp8"
Book which was published by Elsevier since 2010-07-26 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780080489308 and ISBN 10 Code is 0080489303
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "1008 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryComputers
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is false
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